Luke Jackson (author)

Luke Jackson
Born 18 August 1988 (1988-08-18) (age 23)
Blackpool, UK
Occupation Author
Nationality English
Period 2002 – present
Genres Non-fiction

Luke Christopher Jackson (born 18 August 1988) is a British author who rose to fame at the age of 13, when he wrote a book from first-hand experience about his life with Asperger syndrome. The book, titled Freaks, Geeks, and Asperger Syndrome: A User Guide to Adolescence, created a sensation and greatly increased general awareness of the condition.

Luke Jackson has three sisters and three brothers. One of his brothers, Joe, has AD/HD (Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder), and another brother, Ben, has autism. Luke Jackson, his mother Jacqui Jackson and the rest of their family were featured in a documentary on BBC2 (UK television) discussed on the BBC website.

In his book Crystalline Lifetime: Fragments of Asperger Syndrome, Luke Jackson divulges that he left school at the age of 14 “after completely having had enough”, although he has “tried college” since. As of 2006, he is singing and playing in a band.

Jackson also recorded a column for BBC Radio 4's programme Home Truths.



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